The Music of Gary Lucas & Jeff Buckley

BRIDGE Guitar Festival
Sat 1 Jun ’24 20:15 uur
Sat 1 Jun ’24
20:15 uur

When two giants collaborate, they can elevate each other to great heights. That's precisely what happened when Gary Lucas and Jeff Buckley found each other. One conjured atmospheric, elusive guitar lines from his fingertips. The other possessed a celestial voice with an impossible range. Together, they created pure magic with Grace. This album is now thirty years old. To commemorate that memorable moment, guitarist Gary Lucas will perform a special show during a Heroes Night at the BRIDGE Guitar Festival, in collaboration with Co de Kloet.

Lucas, together with Buckley, penned two of the most powerful songs on the album: the unfathomably enchanting Mojo Pin and the title track Grace, which Rolling Stone hailed as one of the 500 greatest songs ever. American musician Lucas is quite remarkable. He has explored many corners of the music industry. In addition to his collaboration with Buckley, his work with Captain Beefheart is also worth mentioning. Collaborating with young musicians remains a passion for Lucas, much like he once did with Jeff Buckley. For this occasion, he will perform alongside Dutch bassist Peter Willems, with whom he created the album Double Dare, and the virtuoso American keyboardist Micah Graves and drummer Tim Rachbach. When it comes to Lucas, you can never exaggerate with superlatives: a unique concert featuring an exceptional guitarist celebrating a legendary release.

BRIDGE Guitar Festival

BRIDGE Guitar Festival is returning to the Brainport region. From Wednesday, May 29th to Sunday, June 2nd, 2024, the festival will focus on guitars, guitar music, and musicians who connect people from around the world through this special and beloved string instrument. BRIDGE is a multi-day guitar festival, unique in its kind: from classical to blues, from jazz to rock, from flamenco to pop, everything is covered.