Classical Music


Are you a lover of classical music? Then Muziekgebouw Eindhoven is the right place for you. Both the Main Hall and the Small Hall have internationally renowned acoustics, which is why many famous musicians and orchestras like to perform in Muziekgebouw Eindhoven and choose these halls in particular for their cd  recordings. Classical broadcasters also like to travel to Eindhoven to make live recordings.


View the agenda below. 



  • Ragazze Quartet & Thomas Beijer

    Chamber music by Prokofiev and Shostakovich
    Small Hall on Sunday
    Sun 27 Apr ’25

    The Stalin Prize. 100,000 rubles. Although Dmitri Shostakovich was certainly no friend of dictator Josef Stalin, he accepted this gesture from the regime nonetheless. After all, one must live as a composer. The prize was awarded for his Piano Quintet, completed in November 1940. It marked a new high point in his body of work and is now one of his most beloved scores. The musicians we seek are close to home: the Dutch Ragazze Quartet and the Dutch multi-talent but tonight 'only' pianist Thomas Beijer.

  • Théotime Langlois de Swarte & Justin Taylor

    Francoeur, Purcell & Corelli
    Utrecht Early Music Festival presents
    Tue 29 Apr ’25

    'They look like brothers,' Gramophone wrote about Theotime Langlois de Swarte and Justin Taylor. 'They look like brothers,' Gramophone wrote about Theotime Langlois de Swarte and Justin Taylor. The charming violin/harpsichord duo draws packed venues worldwide with quirky reinterpretations of canonical and unheard early music gems. Twice already, they have dedicated an album to other musician brother pairs. In this baroque recital, they combine the 'goûts réunis' practised by the Francoeur and Eccles families with the completely unique style of Henry Purcell and the full-blooded Italian baroque of Arcangelo Corelli. 

  • Cappella Amsterdam & Berlage Saxophone Quartet

    De Rechtvaardigen with Jan Brokken
    World-renowned Choirs
    Fri 2 May ’25

    Cappella Amsterdam presents, in collaboration with the Berlage Saxophone Quartet and writer Jan Brokken, 'De Rechtvaardigen'. The co-production came about when Jan Brokken, the author of the novel 'De Rechtvaardigen', and Peter Vigh, alto saxophonist and longtime arranger of the Berlage Saxophone Quartet, approached Cappella Amsterdam to perform the book together on stage. With 'De Rechtvaardigen', Cappella Amsterdam, the Berlage Saxophone Quartet and writer Jan Brokken perform the story of Dutch consul Jan Zwartendijk, who put his life on the line for the freedom of others.

  • Damiaan Denys & Camerata RCO

    Mahler and Freud
    Wed 7 May ’25

    Mahler took a four-hour walk with Freud in Leiden during the summer of 1910. The subject of discussion is a question: How would more insight into his psyche impact his creativity? While Mahler felt relieved after their conversation, it remained a singular event. Philosopher and psychiatrist Damiaan Denys sheds light on this intriguing encounter. Mahler's music, including his indescribably tender and loving Adagietto, accompanies the discussion.

  • Fazil Say

    Turkish master plays Bach, Beethoven, and own work
    Famous Pianists
    Wed 7 May ’25

    'Composed music wants to emerge as an improvisation, and composing is already improvisation in itself,' Fazil Say explained in an interview. The Turkish master pianist is completely in his element with any kind of music-making. The former child prodigy, son of a novelist, describes himself as a storyteller in music. Interpreting Beethoven's strom-like 'Tempest', bringing Scarlatti's age-old purity to life, or playing his own music inspired by jazz, Stravinsky or Turkish folk music, "there is always a story fantasised by me that echoes in the background.

  • Philzuid

    Exciting opera by Mozart and Beethoven
    Sun 11 May ’25

    "Laugh, throw things on stage, and especially clap between the movements!" said Richard Egarr to the audience before giving the downbeat for his previous concert at Philzuid. It turned out to be a beautiful evening that we won't soon forget. This British early music specialist would prefer to be teleported with orchestra and all to Beethoven's time if he could. And that's precisely what he aims to achieve with this extraordinary concert programme.

  • Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra & Lorenzo Viotti

    Viotti's farewell tour
    Classical Gems
    Fri 16 May ’25

    Full halls, young audiences; the Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra lived golden years with star conductor Lorenzo Viotti. The Viotti effect was unmistakable: he creates a communal, intense sensation during concerts. There is a sentiment around the orchestra, thanks to Viotti, that triggers something revolutionary. This is Viotti's last programme as chief conductor of the Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra. Accompanied by Alexandre Kantorow ('This piano star is the real deal' - The Times), Viotti delves into the depths of Brahms. In Bartók's masterpiece, he lets 'his' NedPho musicians shine one more time.

  • Philzuid

    A new love for the Jussens
    Sat 17 May ’25

    Vibrant musicality, cascading piano playing, effortless spontaneity. The Jussen piano brothers enchant every audience and the musicians they collaborate with. With the musicians of Philzuid, they have built a warm relationship. Whenever they have new repertoire at their fingertips, they often debut it with our orchestra. Once again, the Jussens bring a new love: Golijov's passionate Nazareno.

  • Liza Ferschtman, Ivan Karizna & Storioni Trio

    Chamber music by Brahms and Golijov
    Masters of Chamber Music
    Thu 22 May ’25

    For quality, we don't have to stray very far. Liza Ferschtman belongs to the Golden Era of enormously talented and successful Dutch violinists. The Storioni Trio is also made up of Dutchmen: in fact, their home base is Eindhoven! Pianist Bart van de Roer, violinist Wouter Vossen and cellist Marc Vossen run the Storioni Festival, which they organise every year and which has now won its permanent place in Dutch music culture. Today's showpiece is Johannes Brahms' romantic piano quintet. A deeply moving play with light and dark - the latter especially.

  • Philzuid

    Ravel's ‘jazzy’ piano concerto
    Sat 24 May ’25

    Conductor Dirk Kaftan has been leading the renowned Beethoven Orchestra Bonn for years. This marks his debut with Philzuid. The program featuring Brahms and Ravel suits the German maestro perfectly. Brahms composed his Symphony No. 2 in the summer of 1877 in an idyllic Austrian village by a lake. It is his sunniest, most carefree symphony. Finally stepping out of Beethoven's shadow, Brahms had found his voice.

  • Storioni on Sunday

    Storioni Trio & festival guests perform beautiful chamber music
    Small Hall on Sunday
    Sun 25 May ’25

    Does it still need any introduction in Eindhoven? Wouter Vossen, Marc Vossen, and Bart van de Roer - the Storioni Trio - are indispensable on international stages. They are the beating heart of the Storioni Festival at Muziekgebouw Eindhoven every year, and once again, they invite a selection of top musicians to perform the most beautiful works from the vast chamber music repertoire. This festival cannot be overlooked in the Dutch music scene. It thrives on spontaneity and brilliant last-minute ideas: therefore, the exact program is not yet known... But the Storioni Trio will be there!

  • Collegium Vocale Gent & Philippe Herreweghe

    Gesualdo's madrigals
    Utrecht Early Music Festival presents
    Wed 28 May ’25

    The fact that Carlo Gesualdo murdered his wife and her lover is one of the juiciest tidbits in music history. Could there be a connection between the drama and the eccentric polyphony of the Prince of Venosa? Gesualdo's Fourth Book of Madrigals dates shortly after the events and bears witness to his unrestrained experimental urge and emotional volatility. Collegium Vocale Gent extracts the finest nuances from these songs of scorching desire and sweet lovesickness.

  • Vera Danilina

    Guitar recital featuring works by Bach & Rodrigo
    International Prizes & Awards
    Sun 1 Jun ’25

    Traveling star in the world of guitar: the Russian Vera Danilina! That was bound to happen, if you manage to win a competition at 16 (the Frauchi Competition in Moscow). A brilliant technique, beautiful sound and completely ready for the stage: she leaves her listeners breathless. Her most recent achievement: the first prize of the Concorso di Chitarra Classica Michele Pittaluga, Italy. How many colors the guitar can produce, 25-year-old Danilina exhibits this afternoon.

  • Camerata Salzburg & Janine Jansen

    Janine shines in Mendelssohn
    World-renowned Orchestra's
    Mon 9 Jun ’25

    "She is one of those stars in the sky that makes this whole event glow," Camerata Salzburg concertmaster Gregory Ahss said about collaborating with Janine Jansen. And indeed, whether she comes to Eindhoven as a chamber musician or soloist, this world-renowned violinist is also one of the most beloved figures on our stage. Camerata Salzburg is the orchestra that performs with the spontaneity and sparkle of a chamber music ensemble. This gives Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto, from its melancholic opening to its fairy-tale finale, an intimate radiance; and the well-known Reformation Symphony a new brilliance.

    There will be a free introduction at 7:30 PM, co-sponsored by the Friends of Muziekgebouw Eindhoven.

  • Philzuid

    Fri 20 Jun ’25

    After the overwhelming success of previous editions, it was only natural to have the fourth edition of Philmob. Both amateurs and, certainly, our musicians are eagerly anticipating this spontaneous performance for passersby and visitors of the Piazza Center.

  • Philzuid

    Sat 28 Jun ’25

    Broadway and the West End boast legendary stages for musicals. If your musical has run there, you've made it in the world of musical theater. With Philmusical, Philzuid presents a selection of musical hits from the very best and most famous musicals, including An American in Paris, Girl Crazy, My Fair Lady, The Sound of Music, and many others... 

  • Philzuid

    At the Movies: Flying Heroes
    Sun 30 Jun ’24

    'Did you ever make anything happen? Anything you couldn't explain? You're a wizard, Harry...' Those who hear these words immediately envision images from the fantastic Harry Potter films. A snow-white little owl flitting silently through the night sky, a dizzying flight on a broomstick... But it's only when you also hear that famous melody by John Williams that you suddenly find yourself in the enchanted world of Hogwarts. Those soft tinkling bells, that swelling string orchestra, that mysterious atmosphere.

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Classical Music at Muziekgebouw Eindhoven 

Ben je een liefhebber van klassieke muziek? Dan ben je bij Muziekgebouw Eindhoven aan het juiste adres. Zowel de Grote als de Kleine zaal hebben een internationaal vermaarde akoestiek waardoor veel internationaal gerenommeerde musici en orkesten graag optreden in Muziekgebouw Eindhoven en juist deze zalen uitkiezen om er cd-opnamen te maken. Ook de klassieke zenders reizen graag af naar Eindhoven voor live-opnamen.

This wonderful venue, located in the heart of the city, offers a wide range of high-quality classical concerts. Ranging from symphony orchestras to chamber ensembles and solo performances, a wide classical repertoire can be heard: from music for the millions to the latest contemporary compositions. Muziekgebouw Eindhoven has something for everyone.

Whether you are a seasoned classical music lover or just enjoy a night out, Muziekgebouw Eindhoven is the perfect place to enjoy the finest classical concerts. Order your tickets today and experience an unforgettable evening in one of our beautiful halls!