
News Wed 22 Feb ’23
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News Tue 14 Feb ’23

Charity concert for Türkiye and Syria

On Monday, February 6th a terrible disaster completely changed the lives of tens of thousands of people in Türkiye and Syria. Several strong earthquakes and aftershocks caused immense damage. Thousands of people have perished, and many others got injured. The whole of the Netherlands sympathizes with the people in Türkiye & Syria. Many people from Eindhoven have relatives in the affected areas and are very concerned.

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News Tue 1 Nov ’22
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News Mon 24 Oct ’22
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News Tue 11 Oct ’22

International Pop Quiz of Eindhoven was a big success!

On Monday 10 October, the first edition of the International Pop Quiz of Eindhoven finally took place. This first edition - in collaboration with Eindhoven based Number 42 - was completely sold out with a great diversity of people taking part.

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News Wed 5 Oct ’22

New appointment Board of Directors

On 28th Sepember 2022, the City Council of Eindhoven, as shareholder, has appointed drs. I. Haaijer member of Muziekgebouw Eindhoven Ltd. Board of Directors.

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