Meditation concert

The perfect start to a relaxing Sunday
TROMP Percussion Eindhoven
Sun 17 Nov ’24 09:30 uur
Sun 17 Nov ’24
09:30 uur

Zen bells, handpans, tam-tams, large gongs – there are many percussion instruments that play a key role in meditative rituals. This morning session offers a fusion of meditation and live music, in which the greatest percussion instruments of meditative practices take the leading role. We will start with a one-hour meditation workshop by a zencoach, followed by a live performance of a selection of works by Morton Feldman by percussionists Galdric Subirana, Yi-Ping Yang and Arnold Marinissen: the perfect calm start of a relaxing Sunday.

Sound & Silence

Let yourself be carried away by impressive music that beautifully bridges the past and the present. The elegance of classical music seamlessly blends with modern, experimental elements during Sound & Silence concerts. View all concerts in this programme line here.