Echoes of Snow

TROMP 2024 Opening Concert
TROMP Percussion Eindhoven
Thu 14 Nov ’24 20:15 uur
Thu 14 Nov ’24
20:15 uur

Echoes of Snow unveils a world where innocence and injustice dramatically collide. Lyrical cellist Ella van Poucke blends with four percussionists to create a unique soundscape. The centrepiece of the evening is Snow in June by Oscar-winning composer Tan Dun. Surrounding this centrepiece will be an echo of its depth: the abstract textures of John Cage, followed by the grooving rhythms of Andy Akiho, the stillness of Toru Takemitsu's melodies and the serene sounds of Kaija Saariaho. The programme will be brought to you by van Poucke and collaborating artists Agostinho Sequeira, Keith Ng, Jason Chen, Galdric Subirana, Michael Burritt and DOMNIQ.