Elsa Birgitta Bekman

Nostalgic folk pop songs
Popronde 2024
Fri 4 Oct ’24 20:30 uur
Fri 4 Oct ’24
20:30 uur

Elsa Birgitta Bekman is a Dutch singer, composer, multi-instrumentalist, and music video director with French and Swedish roots. Her music feels like a synthesis of nostalgia, escapism, romance, and melancholy, enhanced by cinematic music videos where storytelling takes center stage. On October 4th, Elsa will be performing at M during the Popronde!


Popronde is a freely accessible traveling festival that provides a stage for promising musical talent from the Netherlands. Many of the acts are still unknown, but later go on to become nationally recognized. Dutch artists like Kensington, Blaudzun, De Staat, Mister & Mississippi, Chef’ Special, and Go Back To The Zoo have all toured with Popronde before achieving their major breakthroughs.

Curious about the entire programme in Eindhoven? Check it out here.