Requiem by Dvořák

by Philips Philharmonic Choir and Nieuw Nijmeegs Chamber Orchestra
For the Love of Music
Tue 29 Oct ’24 20:15 uur

Philips Philharmonic Choir
Nieuw Nijmeegs Chamber Orchestra
Arjan Tien - conductor
Elisa Maayeshi - soprano
Vizma Zvaigzne - alto
Jack Roberts - tenor
Fabian Homburg - bass

Tue 29 Oct ’24
20:15 uur
  • Tue 29 Oct ’24
    20:15 uur
    Hertog Jan Hall
  • A drink is included in the price

Although Antonin Dvořák's Requiem was a great success from its premiere, it is rarely performed. However, the tenderness and melancholy with which the mystery of life and death is explored makes this requiem well worth performing and experiencing more often. Through its gentle, captivating melodies and sounds, Dvořák creates a calm that invites the audience to self-reflection. This is interspersed with numerous moments of immense expressiveness, such as the pure drama in the 'Agnus Dei' or intense chromaticism, a recurring motif in almost all parts.

“A sincere person need not fear death. Because life on earth is so beautiful, it is hard for us to let go of all the good things. But death is part of life; it is one of the laws of nature, and we insignificant beings must accept it.” - A. Dvořák

For the Love of Music

This concert is part of the For the Love of Music project. Club life is an important social-cultural engine of our society. We think this is important and therefore we are happy to make our halls available to anyone who loves music: creators, artists and musicians from Eindhoven and the region.