Misa Criolla and Navidad Nuestra

Sing Along Events
For the Love of Music
Sat 19 Oct ’24 16:30 uur

Martin van der Brugge - conductor  
Alvaro Pinto Lyon - vocals, guitar, charango, and flutes  
Renato Freyggang - percussion and flutes  
Orlando Miño - percussion  
Fred Abbingh - accordion, piano, and vocals

Sat 19 Oct ’24
16:30 uur

"Misa Criolla" is a masterpiece by the Argentine composer Ariel Ramírez. It is a celebration of Latin American culture and spirituality, combining traditional Latin American rhythms and melodies with the liturgical text of the Catholic Mass. Ramírez broke away from the traditional European style, using indigenous instruments and folklore to create a unique and exciting musical landscape.

"Navidad Nuestra" is a Christmas cantata composed by Ariel Ramírez. It brings timeless Christmas stories to life with a captivating blend of Argentine folklore and classical influences. Ramírez narrates the Christmas story through vibrant music, reflecting the emotions and spirituality of the festive season.

For the Love of Music

This concert is part of the For the Love of Music project. Club life is an important social-cultural engine of our society. We think this is important and therefore we are happy to make our halls available to anyone who loves music: creators, artists and musicians from Eindhoven and the region.


Ariel Ramírez - Misa Criolla
Ariel Ramírez - Navidad Nuestra