Music from the Orient

Turkish Greek Night
Sat 25 May ’24 20:00 uur
Sat 25 May ’24
20:00 uur
  • Sat 25 May ’24
    20:00 uur
    M by Muziekgebouw Eindhoven

Band Music from the Orient is a band based in Eindhoven that has been giving concerts and organizing events since 2017, primarily featuring music from the Eastern Mediterranean regions of Anatolia, the Levant, and the Balkans. The band consists of Mercan & Bülent Kocuroǧlu, Başak Ebret, and Önder Babur. For this Turkish Greek Night, songs will be performed in Turkish and Greek, with Demis, Bart, and Dimitri enriching the evening.

Demis, Bart and Dimitris have only one mission, which is to bring authentic Greek tunes to your ears. With two bouzouki's, one voice and one guitar we bring you on a small trip through the rich Greek repertoire of the last 100 years. From the older Greek 'rebetiko' blues to the modern 'laiko' folk music. Demis (33) is born in The Netherlands, he grew up in a Greek family where Greek music was present everywhere. Before he was 5 years old he already applied for guitar lessons. In recent years he has participated in various bands and orchestras both in The Netherlands and in the Balkan. Bart (21) is also born here. He comes from a half Greek half Dutch family, and has mastered the bouzouki in a very short amount of time, which has led to quite some online fame in recent years. Dimitris (33) is born in Athens and has been living in The Netherlands for almost 10 years. Back in Athens he used to work as a professional musician in the Athenian nightlife. The trio can't wait to bring you along on a journey through Greek music, with rich melodies containing melancholy and happiness, brought with passion and a lot of energy!