© Quinn Broers

Dutch Student Chamber Choir

until the sun rises
For the Love of Music
Sun 18 Feb ’24 16:00 uur

Lodewijk van der Ree, conductor
Yifan Du, percussion
Catoo Lustig, director
Jasper Kayser, lighting design
Francisca Pizarro, répétiteur

Sun 18 Feb ’24
16:00 uur

In 2024, the Dutch Student Chamber Choir celebrates its 50th anniversary with the enchanting tour until the sun rises. Under the direction of conductor Lodewijk van der Ree, the choir sings about the night with a diverse repertoire that combines classical, folkloric, and contemporary compositions. Notable works include the Pulitzer Prize-winning Allemande by Caroline Shaw and the emotionally charged Del iubilo del core che esce in voce by Robert Heppener. The program culminates in a world premiere by Laura Polence, blending modern elements and improvisation. In collaboration with a director and a lighting designer, the Dutch Student Chamber Choir transforms the musical journey into an immersive theatrical experience. This marks a milestone for this exceptional project choir, nurturing amateur talent at a high level since 1974.

About the Dutch Student Chamber Choir

The Dutch Student Chamber Choir is a project choir consisting of approximately 36 participants, newly assembled each autumn from the most talented amateur singers in the Dutch student community. The Dutch Student Chamber Choir provides students with the opportunity to explore a challenging, modern-classical chamber choir repertoire. Each year, a professional program is performed, making participation in the Dutch Student Chamber Choir a highly educational and enjoyable experience never to be forgotten. This offers students a unique chance to perform exceptional repertoire that most student choirs do not have the opportunity to explore.

For the Love of Music

This concert is part of the For the Love of Music project. Club life is an important social-cultural engine of our society. We think this is important and therefore we are happy to make our halls available to anyone who loves music: creators, artists and musicians from Eindhoven and the region.


Estonian traditional lullaby – "Äiutus"
Alphons Diepenbrock (1884) – "Dämmerung" (Twilight)
Caroline Shaw (2012) – "Partita for 8 voices: Allemande"
Estonian traditional lullaby – "Kasva karjeseks"
Robert Heppener (1974) – "Del iubilo del core che esce in voce"
Estonian traditional lullaby – "Lase kiik käia"
Nico Muhly (2015) – "Three Moon Songs"
Estonian traditional lullaby – "Uni, tule silma peale"
Ingvar Lidholm (1983) – "De Profundis"
Tõnu Kõrvits (2016) – "Linnuteelaev" (Bird Path Ship)
Estonian traditional lullaby – "Marjal aega magda"
Laura Polence (2023) – "Rondom"
Reena Esmail (2014) – "Tuttarana"