Harmony Turkish Music Choir

Turkish choral music of the highest order
For the Love of Music
Sun 4 Feb ’24 15:00 uur
Sun 4 Feb ’24
15:00 uur

The Harmonie Turkish Choir enriches the multicultural society in the Netherlands with their beautiful Turkish music. Founded by Şükrü Deksizer, it aims to make Turkish music better known in the Netherlands. The choir consists of 40 members who sing together and play instruments. During their performances, they are accompanied musically by experienced Dutch, Turkish as well as Greek musicians, adding to the choir's strength. It promises to be an afternoon of top-notch Turkish music!

Uğur Akbaba is the choir's conductor, he has many years of experience and has performed in Turkey, but he has also appeared on stage in several countries abroad. In addition to his duties as a conductor, he equally plays the Kanun, a stringed instrument dating back to the 19th century BC. The Choir has already given several concerts together with the Stratums Muziekkorps St Cecilia in Eindhoven.

For the Love of Music

This concert is part of the For the Love of Music project. Club life is an important social-cultural engine of our society. We think this is important and therefore we are happy to make our halls available to anyone who loves music: creators, artists and musicians from Eindhoven and the region.