Athens Collective

Experience the music of Athens
Sat 9 Dec ’23 20:30 uur
Sat 9 Dec ’23
20:30 uur
  • Sat 9 Dec ’23
    20:30 uur
    M by Muziekgebouw Eindhoven

Athens Collective is a Greek quartet with roots in Athens and the Netherlands. Demis, Bart, Katerina and Christos bring the sparkling, authentic bouzouki sounds of the streets of Athens to Eindhoven. At an Athens Collective concert, you immediately imagine yourself in the music scene of bustling Athens; it could hardly be more Greek. Because even today bouzouki is alive and kicking in Greek (night)life, and you can feel it!

Athens Collective has two bouzouki players, Demis and Bart, both born in the Netherlands but touched by the special sounds of the instrument from an early age. For years, Katerina worked as a professional singer in Athens and knows the colourful nightlife there like no other. Christos, also well versed in the Athens music scene, accompanies the group on guitar. Athens Collective shows how diverse, surprising, and alive authentic Greek music still is and lets you feel the warm Greek sun on your skin.