Bill Bailey

Tue 30 Apr ’24 20:15 uur
Tue 30 Apr ’24
20:15 uur
  • Tue 30 Apr ’24
    20:15 uur
    Hertog Jan Hall

Bill Bailey brings his brand new comedy show 'Thoughtifier' to Eindhoven! 'Thoughtifier' describes an intriguing device that amplifies the curiosity of the mind using music. All of this is done by using a human instrument, known as Bill Bailey. The history of human thought put into a magical, musical mystery tour takes you on an evening where we celebrate our very own flawed humanity.

We are at a point in our evolution where it seems as if we are sleepwalking into a world where humans may even be redundant, and much of what we do can be done better and faster by machines. At this very moment, we celebrate our own flawed humanity with Bill Bailey. A tour of the human mind, along with some other pressing matters about whales, biophilia, unrequited love and other thoughts. All amplified by music.