Team Productie & Techniek


This is where music really comes to life. Our dedicated colleagues from the Production & Technology department have an unsurpassed eye for detail, which they use to put on an unforgettable show every time!

On Production & Technique, real heroes work behind the scenes. When the show's big day arrives, they are ready to receive artists, guide them and make sure the crew has everything they need. And then, of course, the construction of the show begins: is the venue ready? And what about the lighting and sound? Is it too loud, soft, bright or dark?

The expertise of our colleagues in Production & Technique extends beyond our Grote and Kleine Zaal: the foyers and M by Muziekgebouw Eindhoven are also regularly transformed into fully-fledged event locations. The team is ready to transform any setting into an unforgettable experience.

In Production & Technique, teamwork is extremely important. Because you create the show together!


Ontmoet onze collega's