Danny Vera gives an amazing show in the Main Hall

Tue 5 Apr ’22

We had to be patient, but on April 4 he performed in the Main Hall: Danny Vera! The singer-songwriter from Middelburg has been writing songs about life, love and death since he was a teenager. With the song Roller Coaster, he scored a mega-hit in 2019, which made him a household name throughout the Netherlands. 

Besides festivals and pop stages, Danny Vera has also managed to conquer the Dutch theaters in recent years. And so he did on April 4: in this new theater show he went bigger than ever!

His regular band was present and has been expanded with a small orchestra and backing singers. This composition ensured that his beautiful music was brought to you on a grand scale this evening. 

Missed the concert? Or just want to relive it? Take a look at the photos, taken by Maartje Jansen.