Well-tuned Ears

Open-level musical analysis course
Wed 4 Sep ’24 19:30 uur - Wed 2 Oct ’24 19:30 uur

Asja Zakhareva - musical theorist

Wed 4 Sep ’24
Wed 2 Oct ’24
From 19:30 uur
  • Wed 4 Sep ’24
    Wed 2 Oct ’24
    From 19:30 uur
    M by Muziekgebouw Eindhoven

The breathtaking witnessing of a world wonder, the extasy of deep affection, the loss of a loved one - music communicates with us. This course (given in English) explores the message brought by the greatest classical compositions. In four evenings, we will tune our ears in to discover all the magic that this music contains - no prior knowledge required!

WED 4 SEPT 2024
The emotional power of music
What are the magical mechanisms that can make us enjoy what we are listening to? This evening will delve into the ways of listening to music that promise the greatest emotional reward. The mechanisms dealt with this evening are based on the most recent findings in the field of music psychology.

WED 11 SEPT 2024
Music: the main ingredients
This session focuses on training the ability to feel, imagine and compare. To be able to execute listening strategies, we will take a step behind the scene of the craftsmanship and explore the musical elements that every composer uses. These building blocks will become our fundamental throughout the rest of the course.

WED 25 SEPT 2024
Preparing the joy
How can we get caught up in the story that music communicates, without getting lost in it? This evening we will learn how to help our mind get more emotional outcome from listening by keeping it busy with music. At the end, we will be able to listen in a more involved way and receive an emotional reward every time our auditory expectations are confirmed or fail.

WED 2 OCT 2024
Programmatic versus abstract music
The final session is all about practising and discussing our findings. We will delve into a series of compositions and analyse them collectively with the tools learned throughout the course. Afterwards there will be room for questions.