Atlantic Crossing Ensemble

Trans-Atlantic musical journey
For the Love of Music
Sat 29 Jun ’24 20:15 uur

Atlantic Crossing Ensemble
Michael Simon - conductor
Tamara Nivillac - solist

Sat 29 Jun ’24
20:15 uur

From the west coast of Africa, via Cape Verde to the Caribbean and South America, a tribute is paid to the enslaved people who were forcibly taken from Africa to cross the ocean to America and the Caribbean. The Atlantic Crossing Ensemble and Curaçaoan soloist Tamara Nivillac, under the direction of Venezuelan conductor Michael Simon, will perform. The pre-program features pianist Sherman Zimmerman Nazit, along with performances by Maximo The Singer from Venezuela and the Caribbean band JBL. Culinary snacks will be available. The board of the Foundation Shared Past Joint Future Eindhoven warmly welcomes you!

This concert is organized by Stichting Gedeeld Verleden Gezamenlijke Toekomst Eindhoven.

For the Love of Music

This concert is part of the For the Love of Music project. Club life is an important social-cultural engine of our society. We think this is important and therefore we are happy to make our halls available to anyone who loves music: creators, artists and musicians from Eindhoven and the region.