Roman Fediurko

Piano virtuoso shines in Beethoven, Rachmaninoff & Scriabin
International Prizes & Awards
Sun 20 Oct ’24 14:15 uur
Sun 20 Oct ’24
14:15 uur
  • Sun 20 Oct ’24
    14:15 uur
    Small Hall
  • A drink is included in the price

Despite the war in Ukraine, the Horowitz Competition Kyiv was able to proceed thanks to host city Geneva. Wonderfully, the 1st Prize, the Prizewinners title and the Gold Medal were won by young Ukrainian Roman Fediurko: a pianist with a staggering string of competition wins to his name, including first prize of the Murai Grand Prix International Piano Competition 2022, first prize of the Isidor Bajić Piano Memorial Competition 2021 and second prize of the International Competition for Young Pianists in Memory of Vladimir Horowitz Junior Group 2016.

"In none of his other 31 sonatas does Beethoven cover such a broad emotional territory: he ranges from the absolute depths of despair to utter euphoria," said music critic Jonathan Biss about Beethoven's 31st piano sonata. One of the last works of the Viennese master, when he was already completely deaf and composed in isolation. Rachmaninoff, on the other hand, was very young at the time of his Morceaux de Fantaisie: 19, the same age as Roman Fediurko himself. Scriabin was ten years older when he wrote his 2nd sonata, originally titled Sonata Fantasie: a work full of imagination and tone painting that combines both romantic pathos and delicate impressionism. With his Third Sonata, Chopin was nearing the end. A beautiful blend of romantic content and classical form.

After the concert

After the concert, you will serve a cup of coffee or tea with a delicious treat. This is included with your ticket.


Beethoven - Sonata No. 31 in A-flat major, Op. 110
Scriabin - Sonata No. 2 in G-sharp minor ("Sonate-fantaisie")
Rachmaninoff - Elegie from Morceaux de Fantaisie, Op. 3 No. 1
Chopin - Sonata No. 3 in B minor, Op. 58