© Foppe Schut

Netherlands Radio Choir

Masterful a cappella choral works by Poulenc, Mendelssohn, and Martin
International Top Choirs
Fri 24 May ’24 20:15 uur

Poulenc - Litanies à la Vierge Noire
Mendelssohn - Drei Psalmen op.78: Richte mich, Gott (Psalm 43, revised version)
Bach - Prelude en fuga in e minor, BWV 533
Daniel-Lesur - Le cantique des cantiques
Manneke - Trois petites symphonies
Martin - Mass for double choir

Fri 24 May ’24
20:15 uur
  • Fri 24 May ’24
    20:15 uur
    Hertog Jan Hall

'The perfect balance between baroque transparency and romantic rapture,' wrote La Place de l'Opéra. And the Volkskrant: 'Amazing pace and exuberance.' So the  Netherlanda Radio Choir gets great reviews. It sings a very diverse programme. 'Half monk, half rascal,' Frenchman Francis Poulenc called himself.

But this time we hear this more religious side of him in the Lauds of St Anthony of Padua. Mendelssohn, too, was a religious man and often managed to express himself most sincerely especially in his motets. Bruchstücke eines alten Textes is the title of a 1990 work by Dutch composer Robert Heppener: a tribute to Mendelssohn.

This programme also includes the Mass for double choir by Swiss/Dutch Frank Martin. Using two choirs is a practice started in the Renaissance in the San Marco church in Venice. For a long time though, this Mass had a somewhat obscure existence. Composed as early as 1926, the composer kept it back for a long time. But since its return to the public eye, the piece has enjoyed enormous popularity and has appeared dozens of times on CD. Martin himself called the work a private matter, between himself and the Creator.

Great momentum and exuberance

De Volkskrant